First of all, a Raci Matrix is needed in order to write down all the necessary steps for a handover.

Create an Excel with the Equipment List adding all the information needed, including the custom fields for Positions and Assets. Upload the documentation given from the contractors and link it with the Positions and Assets.
Here is a guide on how to upload the Equipment List in Infor, how to upload the Documentation in Edms and how to link the Positions with the documents.
Cmms DB structure and Naming Convention
- EDMS doc CRG Naming Convention
- Functional positions level 1 to 3: on-line info in CMMS DB
- Inventory of the installations equipment and componentsy
- EDMS doc with Excel-file, only updated manually
CMMS Guides Library
Edms Guides Library
- Technical documentation stored in EDMS
- Information on the Organisation of the documentation in EDMS
- Rules for safety valves on cryogenic installationsA - general fluidsA
- Video Edms Tutorials
- Maintenance for installations with task oriented performanceA
- Maintenance for installations with result oriented performanceA
- Consolidation work on cryogenic installationsA
Former ME Projects
- Project Website ( The LHC Electrical Feedboxes (DFB) and Superconducting Links (DSL) pages)